Channeling Symposium

Register now for this live online event with MORE THAN A DOZEN amazing Channelers. This is a unique opportunity to witness a wide variety of channeling styles and learn to connect with infinite wisdom for yourself! Hosted by Cheryl Lynn Gramp. Saturday, April 28 at 2 pm EST.

Reserve My Seat!

This gala event will feature OVER A DOZEN channelers teaching together!

Future monthly workshops will feature guests individually, including:

Nicole Wane

Nicole will channel Archangels and Spirit Guides whose Soul purpose is to elevate consciousness on Earth.

Qat Wanders

Qat is a best-selling author, speaker, and mentor who specializes in channeled writing.

Kat Mayer

Kat brings the Spirit World down to Earth with practical advice.

Vanessa Vlahakis

Vanessa channels well-known people who have powerful universal messages to share after crossing over.

Brigette Patton

Brigette will talk about how to open inner portals to maximize your channeling capacity.

Zane Wheeler

Zane will speak about channeling internal archetypes.

Daniel McNicholas

Daniel channels The Cosmos to help empaths transcend trauma.

Lauren Guarducci

Lauren Guarducci will channel a Light Being called Saris.


" It is my intent to assist those who find themselves suddenly experiencing inexplicable physical symptoms that they’ve never had before as a result of simultaneously raising their vibration and engaging in material channeled by Archangels and/or Ascended Masters. "

Chernise Spruell
Channeler of Archangels and Ascended Masters

"I channel a group of non-physical beings I affectionately call The MVP. This stands for the Multi-Verse Posse (meaning linguistically and universally). They also like it because it reminds you that you are the Most Valuable Player. I have been working with this group for a several years and have been guided to offer channeled messages for groups or individuals. "

Liza Jane Wolf
Psychic Channel and Soul Coach

"I'm delighted to have this opportunity to introduce so many of my amazing friends who channel, as well as to present some of my own channeled writing."

Cheryl Lynn Gramp
Evidential Spiritual Medium and Teacher

"I will be channeling Archangel Michael! I specialize in helping to uncover the “New You” in your awakening journey."

Stacie Overman
Co-Creator of Postive Change

"Channeling is not some weird, out-of-the-mainstream thing that many believe it to be. Everyone is actually a channel because everyone has their own Stream of Source energy flowing to them at all times and has access to the eternal knowledge of Source. "

David Strickel
The Stream of David

Register Today!

This live event will take place on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 2-5 pm EST. Workshop will include meditation, hands-on practice, demonstrations and Q&A with over a dozen Spiritual Teachers who channel. Admission $77.


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